Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Guess The Desk No. 4

Not much to go on in this picture....or is there?


Anonymous said...

joanna's? cos it has the green wall, and the filing cabinet, and the cigarettes, and the labelling on the files is the same as the ones they have in the office....
yeah... too over-observant...

Anonymous said...

Must be Joannas.. all those cigarettes! And the in tray's in the right place, as well.

Johanna said...

Yeah, ashtray and leopard skin mug make me pretty sure it's Joannas. Although - what is that thing in front of her monitor? seems a bit too cutesy for her.

Anonymous said...

joanna! it's the cigarettes! ;)

Anonymous said...

by the way - I have to ask this and I hope you'll answer me too - for my sanity's sake - what was the gall bladder? because I just cannot watch it. anything else goes with me, no problem, but that gall bladder... please tell me what it actually is so that I can watch that scene without feeling sick.

JPG said...

Ahhh....rest assured, it was NOT a real human organ, but something a bit more rubbery!

JPG said...

You're all too good! It is indeed Joanna's desk.

JPG said...

Sadly the phone wasn't available for Series 2...apparently it had a better offer...I think you might see it on the Da Vinci Code.

Anonymous said...

yeah I thought it couldn't be a real gall bladder... but come on, you've shown us the umbilical cord! (or the pasta.) :) surely you can tell us what the gall bladder was too! :)
come on, I know you want to...:)

JPG said...

It was a specially made stunt gall bladder :)

Anonymous said...

ohhh, you're so teasing! ;)