I thought I ought to post a little note seeing as its been a very long time since I contributed to the GW2 Blog, so firstly, apologies for that, because I know there are a lot of fans out there.
It's partly due to the fact that I've posted quite a lot of my stock of photos, and partly because the ones I haven't posted have to be saved for a little while (lots of really fab new pictures to follow at some point....watch this space).
And it's also partly due to the fact that I've been really busy on other Productions.
I've just finished filming a fantastic new comedy series for Channel 4, which is due out on September 15th, called Star Stories.
I know this isn't strictly GW info, but it is comedy, and I'm sure it'll do really well because it's excellent (although nothing like GW).
So look out for a new blog (possibly).
In the meantime, here's a photo of the gorgeous Tamsin, doing what she does most on set.....apart from acting of course!
Be back soon!